Network Marketer’s Dream

Network Marketing: you might either love it or hate it? It seems to have a polar effect on people. However, if you feel you cannot make money in this industry, we found 15 of some of the highest income earners in the industry ranging from $4.2 Million to $15.6 Million per year.

Whatever camp you fall in, for the first time in Network Marketing history, you can now build a massive residual income without building a sales team though the option is there for the taking.

You’ve heard of the big-name MLM companies, such as Amway, Mary Kay and Shaklee.

But what if you’re looking for a new business?

One that you feel hasn’t saturated the market yet?

In that case, you want to work with a newly started company, or what is otherwise known as ground floor.

But how do you find this newly started company?

Fear not! We’ve done the research for you, but first:

What Is a Ground Floor MLM Company?

Think about the people who bought stock in Google, Apple or Amazon when these companies had just went public; before they were the corporate powerhouses they are today. Those investors took a risk but because they got in early; that risk paid off handsomely.

The same can be true when you are looking to join a Network Marketing Company. You can stick with the tried and true companies; those that have been around for decades. Some would even recommend doing just that and advise joining companies that have been around for 10 years or longer.

But the problem with joining an established Network Marketing Company is that the market is often already full of, if not flooded with representatives. It can be difficult to get your foot in the door if people around you are already selling the product or if everyone you know has already been approached.

Ground floor companies are those that just launched, within the past couple of years, which means that they usually have fewer representatives than older network marketing companies.

But like Google and Apple in the early days, there’s a level of uncertainty when you’re working with a ground floor network marketing company. It might take off and become the next Amway or Herbalife or it might fade into obscurity because it ever catches on.

If the idea of potentially high risk and potentially high reward appeals to you, getting in on the ground floor with an network marketing company can be the way to go.

Click here to find out what we are talking about:

Posted by Paul Shala